Sangameshwar College


1. What is an Autonomous College?

A functional status given to the colleges, by the University Grants Commission and the parent Universityis called Autonomy. Under this status more flexibility towards purely academic growth for upliftment of academic standards and excellence is provided.

  • Currently the Government / University provides only Academic Autonomy.
  • Government / University does not provide financial autonomy and the norms shall remain as per existing University system.
  • The Service terms of staff shall remain same as per current University/UGCrules.

2. Who provides autonomous status to colleges?

The University Grants Commission (UGC) – an apex body of the Ministry of Education, Govt of India.

3. Criteria for becoming autonomous college.

Colleges recognized under section 2(f) and 12(B) of UGC Actwith adequate resources.

4. Who will conduct the exam?

The Autonomous college itself will conduct the exam.

5. Who will declare results?

The Autonomous college itself will declare the result.

6. Do autonomous colleges award degrees?

No, autonomous colleges do not award degrees. Degrees’ will be issued by the parent universityin the commonformat prescribed by the university. The name of the college will be mentioned on the degree certificate.

7. Can autonomous colleges start new UG & PG courses?

As autonomous colleges have been given complete academic autonomy, they can start a new UG or PG programby taking the approval from the academic council of the collegeprovided that search courses should fulfil the minimum standards as mentioned by the university/ UGC.Needless to mention the university reserves the right to review and verify all coursesrun by the autonomous college.

8. Benefit of Autonomous college to the Students and Teachers of the college.

  • An autonomous college holds a prestigious image for the students as well as the teachers.
  • It indicates efforts for excellence in academic performances, competence of self-governance.
  • It improves in the quality of education.
  • Possesses job-orientedcore curriculum.

Sangameshwar College, Solapur
Post Box No.52, Saat Rasta, Railway Lines,
Solapur-413 001
(0217) - 2315566
Student Corner

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Updated On:05-Jan-2025