Sangameshwar College


Awards are a way to encourage good behaviour and inculcate competitive spirit. This is the reason why our institution organizes award ceremony every year to encourage its students.During this annual award ceremony, students are motivated and encouraged for their performance in academics, Sports and NCC.

Academic Award

Meritorious students in academics are felicitated with special gifts and cash prizes instituted by the college

Sports Award

Students outperforming in sports field are felicitated with special gifts and cash prizes instituted by the college. Also, Late K. Bhogishyana Sports Award is given to the Best Sportsmen and women for their Best Achievements in past two annual years.

NCC Award

NCC Students are felicitated for their excellent performance with awards likeLate Prof. K.V.Ganphule Award (Boys), Late Prof. K.V.Ganphule Award (Girls), Late Prajakta Topare Award (Girls), Late Captain S.M. Pathak Award, ATC Camp Award (Boys), ATC Camp Award (Girls), Late Shashikant VamanraoDhokte Award - Special Camp

Apart from this, our department recognizes the academic achievements of its students in the form of academic excellence awards.

Academic Excellence Award

The Academic Excellence Award is presented annually at Student Appreciation Program by the Management and Computer Science Department of Sangameshwar College, Solapur.

Late Dr.Jayraj Kadadi, the youngest son of Late Karmayogi Appasaheb Kadadi was a noble, charismatic, compassionate, philanthropic personality. He devoted his medical practice to serve the society selflessly. Hence, to commemorate Dr.Jayraj Kadadi, his daughter Ms. Jyoti Kadadi has started the Academic Excellence Award in A.Y. 2017-18.

The recipients are honoured for their "outstanding academic achievements at university level and college level in the previous academic year.”The awards are given to meritorious students of BBA, BCA, BSc(ECS) and MSc(CS) of our institution. The award is given to motivate students and comprises of a Trophy, Appreciation Certificate and a cash prize for University Toppers.


List of previous recipients of Academic Excellence Awards:

A.Y. 2019-20

MSc II Year
Sr. No Student Name Achievement Prize
1 Ms. Agarkhed Shruti Sachhidaanand First Rank in Solapur University Merit List, First Rank in College Rs. 1500 Cash + Certificate
2 Ms. Bagwan Rohina Farukh Second Rank in Solapur University Merit List, Second Rank in College Rs. 1500 Cash + Certificate
3 Ms. Jituri Mamta Prakash Third Rank in Solapur University Merit List, Third Rank in College Rs. 1500 Cash + Certificate
Sr. No Student Name Achievement Prize
1 Ms. Joshi Janhavi Santosh Third Rank in Solapur University Merit List, First Rank in College Rs. 1500 Cash + Certificate
2 Ms. Dussa Pravalika Nagraj Second Rank in College Rs. 750 Cash + Certificate
3 Ms. Pawar Sukanya Sanjay Third Rank in College Rs. 750 Cash + Certificate
Sr. No Student Name Achievement Prize
1 Mr. Kore Praveen Sunil First Rank in College Rs. 1000 Cash + Certificate
2 Ms. Kote Aishwarya Sanjay Second Rank in College Rs. 750 Cash + Certificate
3 Mr. Buddh Lokesh Dhareppa Third Rank in College Rs. 750 Cash + Certificate
4 Ms. Patil Dipali Janardhan Fourth Rank in College Rs. 750 Cash + Certificate
Sr. No Student Name Achievement Prize
1 Ms. Hotgikar Tazeen A Sameer First Rank in College Rs. 1000 Cash + Certificate
2 Ms. Agarwal Vinita Vikram Second Rank in College Rs. 750 Cash + Certificate
3 Ms. Mogal Aayesha A Rahiman Third Rank in College Rs. 750 Cash + Certificate

A.Y. 2018-19

MSc II Year
Sr. No Student Name Achievement Prize
1 Ms. Tale Manjushri Shashikant Second Rank in Solapur University Merit List, First Rank in College Trophy + Cash + Certificate
2 Mr. Chavan Amey Prasannakumar Second Rank in College Trophy + Certificate
3 Ms. Diddi Priyanka Shrinivas Third Rank in College Trophy + Certificate
Sr. No Student Name Achievement Prize
1 Ms. Nadkarni Mahima Dilip First Rank in Solapur University Merit List, First Rank in College Trophy + Cash + Certificate
2 Ms. Mhetre Ashwini Baburao Second Rank in Solapur University Merit List, Second Rank in College Trophy + Cash + Certificate
3 Ms. Saudagare Nikita Rupsen Third Rank in Solapur University Merit List, Third Rank in College Trophy + Cash + Certificate
Sr. No Student Name Achievement Prize
1 Ms. Addakallu Dipali Nagendra First Rank in College Trophy + Certificate
2 Ms. Kabade Sneha Sunil Second Rank in College Trophy + Certificate
3 Ms. Bablad Sumitra Chandrakant Third Rank in College Trophy + Certificate
Sr. No Student Name Achievement Prize
1 Mr. Rohilewale Tanveer Ahmed Md. Ali First Rank in College Trophy + Certificate
2 Mr. Tunga Pranil Sanjeev Second Rank in College Trophy + Certificate
3 Ms. Ghanavat Mayuri Bharat Third Rank in College Trophy + Certificate

A.Y. 2017-18

MSc II Year
Sr. No Student Name Achievement Prize
1 Ms. Desai Aishwarya Vijay First Rank in Solapur University Merit List, First Rank in College Trophy + Cash + Certificate
2 Ms. Nadaf Ayesha Mahamadrafik Second Rank in College Trophy + Certificate
3 Ms. Gejage Trupti Tatyasaheb Third Rank in College Trophy + Certificate
Sr. No Student Name Achievement Prize
1 Ms. Chavan Pallavi Vikas First Rank in College Trophy + Certificate
2 Ms. JeurkarArati Shivaji Second Rank in College Trophy + Certificate
3 Mr. Shaikh Bashir Shahid Third Rank in College Trophy + Certificate
Sr. No Student Name Achievement Prize
1 Ms. Sayyed Hajra Qasim Third Rank in Solapur University Merit List, First Rank in College Trophy + Cash + Certificate
2 Ms. Shaikh Mehboobi Mukhtar Second Rank in College Trophy + Certificate
3 Mr. Kadate Ganesh Shankar Third Rank in College Trophy + Certificate
Sr. No Student Name Achievement Prize
1 Ms. Deshpande Shambhavi Dhananjay Third Rank in Solapur University Merit List, First Rank in College Trophy + Cash + Certificate
2 Ms. Umbrajkar Apurva Ashok Second Rank in College Trophy + Certificate
3 Ms. Bagwan Rohina Farukh Third Rank in College Trophy + Certificate
Sangameshwar College, Solapur
Post Box No.52, Saat Rasta, Railway Lines,
Solapur-413 001
(0217) - 2315566
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Updated On:05-Jan-2025